Short BIO
Currently a Master's student at the European Institute for Marine Studies (IUEM) in marine environmental chemistry in Brest (France). I have conducted my Master's thesis at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich in the Environmental Physics team under the supervision of Dr. Meike Vogt and Dr. Fabio Benedetti.
As a part of the continuing effort of the MARine Ecosystem biomass DATa (MAREDAT) that assembled existing biomass concentration measurements for plankton functional types (PFTs), and within the Atlantic Ecosystem Assessment, Forecasting and Sustainability (AtlantECO) project, I have worked on a data-driven approach to estimate the global distribution of dinoflagellate biomass. This approach uses a novel global collection of abundance data, new abundance-to-biomass conversion factors, and species distribution modelling to extrapolate biomass measurements on a global scale.
Role in AtlantECO
Working on global/Atlantic estimates of Dinoflagellates biomass based on in situ observations and statistical species distribution models.
Compiled extensive biometric dataset for Dinoflagellate taxa to establish carbon conversion factors at the species/group-level.