Mission Microbiomes
Salvador, Brazil October 2021
The tara schooner will be in Salvador de Bahia from 10th to 14th of October 2021, with an exciting programme of activities.
TUESDAY 21/09 to SUNDAY 07/11
Exhibition "Plastique en mer les solutions sont à Terre" (Plastics at sea, solutions are on land), from 9:00 to 20:30, free entrance. At the Galeria da Aliança Francesa Salvador de Bahia - Av. Sete de Setembro, 401 - Ladeira da Barra

MONDAY 11/10/2021
From 9:00 to 11:00 and 14:00 to 16:00:
Public meetings with the crew on the dock: each group will have 30 minutes with the crew.

TUESDAY 12/10/2021
From 9:00 to 11:00 and 14:00 to 16:00:
Public meetings with the crew on the dock there will be an registration link. Each group will have 30 minutes with the crew.
Special event for the public holiday "Nossa Senhora de Aparecida", from 15:00 to 18:00
15:00 Atividade de coleta de resíduos plásticos na praia do Farol da Barra e diálogo com especialistas no tema dos plásticos no mar. Open to everyone.
16:00 Performance of the artist Menelaw with 30 children. Private event.
17:00 Conference "Nosso Oceano Atlântico" no Forte Santo Antônio da Barra

THURSDAY 14/10/2021
19:30 Scientific conference